Update Meeting on Current Local Efforts to Prevent and End Homelessness

Over 60 people from across rural Polk County gathered on Thursday April 20, 2023 at the Academy Building in Dallas for an update on current local efforts to prevent and end homelessness. We heard about the Emergency Funding from the State and the 2023 Point in Time Count. Then we heard what’s new with the following projects:

  • Ediger Hall Transitional Housing for a Family–Gerad Neely, Jessica Harper & Kaylynn Warnecke
  • Polk Warming Centers–Matt Smucker
  • Monmouth-Independence Trolley–Fred Evander
  • Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Micro-shelters and Warriors of Hope–Anne Falla
  • Family & Community Outreach–Stephanie Gilbert
  • Home Youth Service (MWVCAA) – Alisa Nelson
  • Mid-Willamette Valley Community Action Prevention Program–Breezy Aguirre
  • Church @ the Park Micro Community for Adults – Josh Erickson
  • Rapid Rehousing
    • Mid-Willamette Valley Community Action Prevention Program–Breezy Aguirre
    • Sable House–Deborah Thompson
    • Salem Housing Authority–Nicole Utz

It was a full and informative session with lots of questions and discussion. Thank you to all the presenters and attendees. The agenda is attached here and includes emails for all the speakers so you can reach out directly with questions or comments.

1407 Monmouth Independence Hwy,
Monmouth, OR 97361

(503) 751-1644

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